Press Release

May 13, 2022: ICHRRF recognizes May 16 as the International Day of Living Together in Peace (Vesak)

The 16th of May, 2022, was officially recognized in 1999 by the UN General Assembly to celebrate the contributions of Buddhism on "Vesak", also known as the day of the full moon in the month of May. Vesak — also known as Buddha Jayanti, Buddha Purnima, and Buddha Day — is a holiday observed by Buddhists and Hindus. More importantly, it is the most sacred day to millions of Buddhists and Hindus, commemorating Buddha's birth (623 BC), enlightenment, and death. It marks Siddhartha Gautama, a prince later known as Buddha, and the three key elements of his life: birth, death and enlightenment. Buddha's messages were heart-centered and compassionate, moving millions with uplifting messages of peace and goodwill. These values are consistent with the UN Charter and align with the mission of ICHRRF.

ICHRRF advocates for Human Rights, equity, and religious freedoms of under-represented minorities worldwide. Founded on the principles of brotherhood, mutual respect and compassion, the ICHRRF is delighted to recognize Vesak and reflect on the critical values of peace, goodwill, and compassionate service to humanity. Everyone deserves to exercise cultural traditions and religious practices freely, peacefully, and without fear of persecution or imposed harm.

Furthermore, the UN General Assembly also recognizes the 16th of May as The International Day of Living Together in Peace. This day is one day where we all can come together, unite, and respect individual, family, and cultural differences. If we treat others the way they prefer to be treated and promote compromise, solidarity, tolerance and inclusion, international communities and governments will be able to move forward together and build sustainable, harmonious communities that improve the quality of life for families and communities. Therefore, ICHRRF encourages tolerance, inclusion, acceptance, affirmation, mutual respect and solidarity as steps we can take as individuals, families, communities and nations to collaborate in evolving socially, spiritually and economically.